The Smart Way


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Working EDUTech Solutions to

Manage, Share and Transform

Seamless information interchange between educational administrators, facilitators, learners, parents, funders, staff and other stakeholders. Reliable and affordable I.T hardware and networking, e-learning and revision, online fees payment and reconciliation and FREE edu-technology consultancy.


Educational Management System

EDUSIMS – comprehensively-resourced system that virtually runs all operations of any educational or training institution from Nursery to Tertiary 

Online Fees Payment & Recon

EDUPay – Secure payment gateway tailor made for the education sector.  Pay your schools fees, levies, uniforms, trips and more with a click of a button.

Timetable & Tracking

EDUSync – automated timetabling for teachers and students, resource allocation, school, class or subject based clock in / out, student tracking by IDs

Communication and Notices

EDUComm – facilitates efficient communication between the school and its stakeholders including bulk SMS / eMails, Whatsapp Chat Bots, Electronic Notice Board and more

Reporting & Data Analytics

EDUData – Reports and EDI into District, Provincial and National Portals, comprehensive academic and financial reports for timely decision making.

Consulting & Advisory

EDUConsult – We offer free consultancy services on everything educational.  We start by technology assessments and help optimise workflows for maximum returns on IT investments

Comprehensive Learner-Centric ERP

About EDUPlus

EDUPlus is a suite of smart technological solutions that are tailored to digitally transform schools, colleges, universities, training academies and coaching centres as well as bridge the information gap between the institutions and all its stakeholders including parents, administrators and funders. We designed and developed the solutions such that students, parents, teachers and educational managers can exchange information efficiently and effectively for timely decision making at reduced costs


Connected Instituitions


Connected Students


Fast, Reliable, Secure and Learner-Centric

Student Info

Record students academic, financial, extra-curricular & disciplinary information on source and across multiple schools permanently with great integrity and security.

Student Portal


Never miss your life at school this Covid-19 period, virtually connect with your teachers, administrators and fellow students as if you are in school.

School Admin

Manage all school activities including attendance, financials, assets and library from anywhere in the world with easy. Get comprehensive analytical reports with a single click and make informed decisions

Parents Portal

Keep yourself connected with your kid in or out of school. Physically track their location and virtually track their performance, pay fees and communicate with teachers and administrators in real-time at zero costs.

Why Eduplus?

ZERO upfront costs for setting up hardware and related infrastructure

Compliance with the law on data access, protection and security

Comprehensive and robust solution under active development

Strong technical and operational support on customisations